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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered review

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 4 Remastered Review

Call Of duty Modded Controllers Xbox One Mod Controllers Xb1

ModsRus Mod Controllers Xbox One

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered is a rather unique addition to the COD world. What makes it distinct here is the fact that it’s basically the old school game with some new additions like improved visuals, some multiplayer benefits and many others. But should you play this game again, even if it has newer graphics and some better improvements?

Right from the start, you will see that the game looks amazing. They do a very good job with improving the lighting system and there are also some rendering upgrades that you can see as well.

The nice thing about the game right now is that all textures are upgraded and everything just looks a whole lot better. Yes, there are some challenges to be had around the way, but overall you will see that the game runs pretty stable on most platforms. There are a few glitches, but they do tend to update the title pretty often. They initially shipped the game with only 10 of the multiplayer maps, but more of them are added all the time. So they do update the game often, and that’s a very good thing.

The original gameplay is untouched. This is nice to be honest, and it shows the amount of care they had in order to accomplish this. Being able to retain the core values of the game is not easy to do, but the experience as a whole is indeed a stellar one. The campaign is one of the best in the COD series, so you can imagine why more and more people are interested in it all the time.

They did improve the audio too, which means you have better sound quality. Considering that lots of people want to get a more appealing, maybe even Dolby HD experience, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Remastered does a very good job at helping you accomplish that and it really works for sure!

New multiplayer content is indeed there and the fact that they add singleplayer cheats in this is also rather refreshing. Yes, there is a very good improvement and the game just brings in front some good, unique ideas that work very well.

But are the visual improvement and the minor additions worth shelling out the money for this? It depends on what you want from the game and if you are ready to purchase Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare as well. The game only comes in a bundle, so that is not exactly the best approach that you can have at this time. But there is a rumor that the game will soon come out of that bundle. Still, the fact that they lock it in a bundle does tend to make the situation a bit more appealing.

But if you want to play the game properly, you will need a good controller to use. The 6000 Master Modded Controller Xbox One is a very good controller for the game and it can provide you with a resounding, unique experience. So, if you want to play COD properly, you may want to give this a shot. Just try it out, and the experience will be worth it!

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