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Welcome To ModsRus Mods - Special Offers - Free Set Of Controller Thumb Stick Covers With Any Controller Purchase. Limited Time Offer.

Thoughts On Doom On The Nintendo Switch

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Thoughts On Doom On The Nintendo Switch
Thoughts On Doom On The Nintendo Switch: Thoughts On Doom On The Nintendo Switch
Grand Theft Auto China Town Wars

Grand Theft Auto China Town Wars

Today we are causing more carnage with our Grand Theft Auto Retrospective, but this time the carnage is happening in the palm of your hand!

Grand Theft Auto China Town Wars (2009/10) Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portable, Mobile

First released on the Nintendo DS and then the PlayStation Portable. Grand Theft Auto China Town Wars was kind of a throwback to the series roots with its top down style. But this time the graphics did have a kind of 3D effect to them. In all honesty, this graphical style really suited the DS, but many felt the PSP could have done a lot better.

The game sees you play the role of Huang Lee who is the son of a major Triad gangster. You want to make a name for yourself and you do this by going on a rampage through the streets of Liberty City. China Town Wars did have a few interesting gameplay mechanics. The way you dealt with police was interesting as when you had a wanted level, this would dictate the amount of police that was after you so if it was level 5, you would have to take down 5 police cars to get the wanted level down. China Town Wars got a lot of attention at the time for its drug dealing subplot. This was really in depth and added a lot of strategy to the game.

The Nintendo DS version of the game made use of the touch screen and the microphone. The game actually handled this in a good way and it did not feel tacked on. The PSP version has upgraded graphics and would change the touch screen mini games to quick time events. The PSP version also had more missions and far better quality sound. The mobile versions of the game were optimized for mobile devices and returned most of the touchscreen controls.

Grand Theft Auto China Town Wars very well received on the Nintendo DS and despite being far different from the other PSP GTA games, that version was also critically acclaimed, although it did not sell as well as the other PSP Grand Theft Auto games.

The Grand Theft Auto Retrospective Part 9 Vice City Stories

Modsrus Modded controllers
The Grand Theft Auto Retrospective Part 9 Vice City Stories
The Grand Theft Auto Retrospective Part 9 Vice City StoriesPs4 Mod Controllers Xbox One Modded...
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Trailer Show How Much Content Game Has
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Trailer Show How Much Content Game Has

Here at Mods R Us, we had a lot of fun with Star Wars Battlefront, even if it was severely lacking in content. But a recent trailer was just released that showed, this time EA is not messing around.

The trailer shows off just how much more content Star Wars Battlefront 2 has over its predecessor. Of course, we all know that this time there is a full on story mode, but they actually had a pretty interesting chart in this trailer that showed just how much new content there would be. Locations have been increased from 4 to 18 and they are going to span all three eras of Star Wars movies. There are now 39 different vehicles whereas there were only 11 in the original Star Wars Battlefront.

There is also going to be a ton more Star Wars characters to play as. Star Wars Battlefront will have 14 different heroes and villains from the Star Wars universe for you to play as. The last Battlefront game only had 6 (not counting DLC) Star Wars characters to play as. Once again all 14 characters are going to represent the whole Star Wars saga which is really cool.

EA have also accounted that there will be fewer game modes this time. Star Wars Battlefront 2 will have 5 different game modes, the last Battlefront game had 9. But to be fair some of these modes were very, very similar so getting rid of those and just making the five they have all feel different is ok in our book.

The Grand Theft Auto Retrospective Part 10

Modsrus Modded controllers
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The Grand Theft Auto Retrospective Part 10
The Grand Theft Auto Retrospective Part 10: The Grand Theft Auto Retrospective Part 10

Overwatch | Ps4 | Xbox One | Pc

Overwatch | Ps4 | Xbox One | Pc As you know here at Mods R Us, our modded controllers are perfect for those who love first person shooters. When it comes to first person shooters, Overwatch is one of the very best and most popular released in the last decade! Blizzard absolutely nailed it with Overwatch and today, we want to look at why that is. To start with Overwatch has more personality and style than the majority of other first person shooters on the market. Blizzard did a wonderful job in creating a very interesting cast of characters. Each one with their own backstory and play style, plus charming personality. It makes it very easy for a player to gravitate to a couple of different characters and stick with them. While the characters and setting of Overwatch are of course awesome. The gameplay is the real draw here. The game modes are what you would expect. But it is the core gameplay that has sucked so many people into the world of Overwatch. It is so easy to pick up and play,

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