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Rainbow Six Series Part 3 | Raven Shield | Pc

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Rainbow Six Series Part 3 | Raven Shield | Pc

Get ready for some more tactical shooting action as we are now on part three of our Rainbow Six retrospective.

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield (2003) PC

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In 2003, the Rainbow Six series would take a few steps towards falling in line more with what other console shooters were offering at the time. As crazy as it sounds, this is the first game to allow you to actually see your gun like in a regular first person shooter. Rainbow Six 3 would also be released on console, but those versions were vastly different,

Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield featured a pretty cool story that started way back in the 1940,s where there was something of an evil Croatian regime that was topped and the men behind it disappeared. The story fast forwards to modern times where Rainbow team is required to stop a range of terrorist attacks which open up a whole can of worms and have a link to events of the past. Like all Tom Clancy games it is a story full of twists and turns and it was generally very well received.

Gameplay wise, Raven Shield offered what Rainbow Six fans had come to love about the series. In depth tactical based combat. But the vastly increased amount of weapons and more action heavy sections showed that the people behind the game knew where the first person shooter genre was heading and this was their attempt to keep their current fan base all the while pulling in that hardcore FPS player.

Tom Clancy’s Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield sold millions of copies, had many expansion packs and was critically acclaimed by nearly all who reviewed it. It still stands as one of the most popular games in the series. 

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Loot Boxes Need Some Work
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Loot Boxes Need Some Work

After spending a lot of time with the Star Wars Battlefront 2 beta, the game is a ton of fun and is shaping up to be one of the best shooters of 2017. DICE really have done an amazing job and they really are pumping the game full of content.

Loot boxes in games are going to be a major thing in the next couple of years. Overwatch is what we have to thank for that, but to be fair, Overwatch handles their loot boxes (or crates) very well. But Star Wars Battlefront 2 is showing the ugly side of loot boxes. Rather than just get items that will change the appearance of your characters. The loot boxes in Star Wars Battlefront 2 are all about enhancing your character. Buffs that make you do more damage or take less damage. New and more powerful weapons and things that will make a real difference on the battlefield. The problem is the way you earn “currency” in the game is pretty messed up and you get no more currency for carrying your team to victory than if you are the weakest player on your team!

Plus it takes what feels like an age to earn enough to get a loot box that contains a Star Card which has an upgrade that it is a grind that feels like a bit of a slap in the face. One popular YouTuber made the point that the upgrade system in Battlefront 2 is like what you would find in a free to play game and it is hard to argue with that.

From a gameplay point of view, Star Wars Battlefront 2 is incredible, but it will be interesting to see if players are going to be happy with the way these loot boxes are handled.

Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta Starts Soon
Star Wars Battlefront 2 Beta Starts Soon

We are very excited for Star Wars Battlefront 2 and this week, Wednesday if you pre ordered and Friday for everyone else. You can take part in the Battlefront 2 beta. There are four game modes available and that is what we are looking at today.

Galactic Assault: In this mode, you take part in large 20 vs 20 battles that are taking place on Theed, which is the capital city of Naboo. This is going to be centered around the prequel movies and looks like it is going to be a lot of fun.

Starfighter Assault: This is the space battle mode and it looks like it is going to be a lot of fun. It is also a chance to get to check out the tighter controls of the space combat as it was a little erratic in the last Battlefront game.

Strike: This is another battle, team vs team kind of mode, but the battles are much smaller than in Galactic Assault. Here it is 8 vs 8 battles and in the beta, you will be fighting around Takodana, which is from The Force Awakens.

Arcade: Arcade mode sounds very interesting as this is what is going to let you set up your own customizable battles. But in the beta, you do get a small taste as you can play in two of the arcade missions. These missions will see you taking on the AI with or without another player.

For a beta, this is a very good selection of game modes that are sure to make us even more excited for the game! 

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